Join our lab

Undergraduate Opportunities

The SageLab is currently accepting applications for volunteers, directed lab students, and directed reading students for the Fall/Winter 2025/26 semesters. SageLab will be recruiting Honours thesis students for the 25/26 academic year.

  • For those interested in getting involved, please email the acting research coordinator and ask for a SageLab Volunteer/DL/DR Form to complete.

  • Sagelab volunteers engage in a wide range of tasks, from lab maintenance (e.g., laundry), postering, and data entry. Depending on their interests, volunteers may become more involved with specific studies, and may assist with collecting data. Volunteers attend the biweekly lab meetings.

  • DL students work directly with a team of researchers on a specific project to collect and process sexuality research data. DL students attend the biweekly lab meetings.

  • Students keen to deepen their knowledge on a specific topic in sexuality and gender can apply to do a directed reading course. This will involve developing a topic, conducting a literature review, and writing a review paper summarizing your work. DR students attend the biweekly lab meetings.