Below is a list of all publications that have come out of the SageLab, organized by research domain. We have included a link to each paper which may be only fully readable with institutional access (though Abstracts are viewable). If you would like a copy of any of our papers, please contact us at or use Google Scholar.
Individual Differences & Sexual Response
Huberman, J.S., & Chivers, M. L. (2020). Development of a novel measure of women's sexual self-schema organization. Personality and Individual Differences, 155, 109665.
Dawson, S. J., Huberman, J., Bouchard, K., McInnis, M., Pukall, C. F., & Chivers, M. L. (2019). Effects of individual difference variables, gender, and exclusivity of sexual attraction on volunteer bias in sexuality research. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 2403-2417.
Tassone, D., Dawson, S., & Chivers, M. L. (2019). The impact of homonegativity on gynephilic men's visual attention toward non-preferred sexual targets. Personality and Individual Differences, 149, 261-272.
Timmers, A. T., Dawson, S., & Chivers, M. L. (2018). The effects of gender and relationship context cues on responsive sexual desire in exclusively and predominantly androphilic women and gynephilic men. Journal of Sex Research, 55(9), 1167-1179.
Timmers, A., & Chivers, M. L. (2012). Sociosexuality and sexual arousal. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 21(3/4), 135-146.
Specificity of Sexual Response
Micanovic, N., Timmers, A. D., Chivers, M. L. (2021). Gender-specific genital and subjective sexual arousal to prepotent sexual stimuli in androphilic men and gynephilic women. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 30(3), 361-373.
Suschinsky, K. D., Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (2020). Assessing gender-specificity of clitoral responses. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 29, 57–64.
Dawson, S., & Chivers, M. L. (2016). Gender-specificity of initial and controlled visual attention to sexual stimuli in androphilic women and gynephilic men. PLoS One, 11(4), e0152785.
Bouchard, K., Timmers, A.D., & Chivers, M. L. (2016). Gender-specificity of genital response and self-reported sexual arousal in women endorsing facets of bisexuality. Journal of Bisexuality, 15(2), 180-203.
Chivers, M. L., Bouchard, K., & Timmers, A. D. (2015). Straight but not narrow: Within-gender variation in the gender-specificity of women’s sexual response. PLoS One, 10(12), e0142575.
Huberman, J. S., & Chivers, M. L. (2015). Evaluating gender-specificity of sexual arousal in women and men using thermography. Psychophysiology, 52, 1382-1395. https//
Huberman, J. S., Maracle, A. C., & Chivers, M. L. (2015). Gender specificity of men and women’s attention to sexual stimuli. Journal of Sex Research, 52(9), 983-995.
Spape, J., Timmers, A. D., Yoon, S., Ponseti, J., & Chivers, M. L. (2014). Gender-specific genital and subjective sexual arousal to prepotent sexual features in heterosexual women and men. Biological Psychology, 102, 1-9.
Chivers, M. L., Roy, C., & Grimbos, T., Cantor, J. M., Seto, M. C. (2014). Specificity of sexual arousal for sexual activities in men and women with conventional and masochistic sexual interests. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(5), 931-940.
Dawson, S., & Chivers, M. L. (2014). Gender differences and similarities in sexual desire. Current Sexual Health Reports, 6(4), 211-219.
Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (2014). Gender-specificity of solitary and dyadic sexual desire among gynephilic and androphilic women and men. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 11(4), 980-994.
Suschinsky, K., Lalumière, M. L., & Chivers, M. L. (2009). Sex differences in patterns of genital arousal: Measurement artifact or true phenomenon? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(4), 559-573.
Chivers, M. L., Seto, M. C., & Blanchard, R. (2007). Gender and sexual orientation differences in sexual response to the sexual activities versus the gender of actors in sexual films. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93(6), 1108-1121.
Chivers, M. L., & Bailey, J. M. (2005). A sex difference in features that elicit genital response. Biological Psychology, 70(2), 115-120.
Chivers, M. L., Rieger, G., Latty, E., & Bailey, J. M. (2004). A sex difference in the specificity of sexual arousal. Psychological Science, 15(11), 736-744.
Hormones & Sexual Response
Timmers, A. T., Bossio, J., & Chivers, M. L. (2018). Disgust, sexual cues, and the prophylaxis hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 4(4), 179–190.
Shirazi, T. N., Bossio, J. A., Puts, D., & Chivers, M. L. (2018). Menstrual cycle phase predicts women’s hormonal responses to sexual stimuli. Hormones and Behavior, 103, 45–53.
Suschinsky, K. D., Bossio, J. A., & Chivers, M. L. (2014). Women’s genital sexual arousal to oral versus penetrative heterosexual sex varies with menstrual cycle phase at first exposure. Hormones and Behavior, 65(3), 319-327.
Bossio, J. A., Suschinsky, K. D., Puts, D. A., & Chivers, M. L. (2014). Does menstrual cycle phase influence the gender specificity of heterosexual women’s genital and subjective sexual arousal? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(5), 941-952.
Sexual Functioning
Brotto, L.A., Zdaniuk, B., Chivers, M. L., Jabs, F., Grabovac, A., Lalumiere, M., Weinberg, J., Schonert-Reichl, K. A., & Basson, R. (2021). A randomized trial comparing group mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with group supportive sex education for the treatment of female sexual interest/arousal disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 89(7), 626-639. 10.1037/ccp0000661
Velten, J., Brotto, L. A., Chivers, M. L., Hirschfeld, G., & Margraf, J. (2020). The power of the present: Effects of three mindfulness tasks on women’s sexual response. Clinical Psychological Science, 8, 125-138.
Cappell, J., Bouchard, K. N., Chamberlain, S. M., Byers-Heinlein, A., Chivers, M. L., & Pukall, C. (2020). Is mode of delivery associated with sexual response? A pilot study of genital and subjective sexual arousal in primiparous women with vaginal or cesarean section births. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 17(2), 257-272.
Velten, J., Dawson, S. J., Suschinsky, K. D., Brotto, L. A., & Chivers, M. L. (2019). Development and validation of a measure of responsive sexual desire. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 46(2), 122-140.
Velten, J., Margraf, J., Chivers, M. L., & Brotto, L. A. (2017). Effects of a mindfulness task on women’s sexual response. Journal of Sex Research, 55(6), 747-757.
Bossio, J. A., Suschinsky, K. D., Puts, D. A., & Chivers, M. L. (2014). Does menstrual cycle phase influence the gender specificity of heterosexual women’s genital and subjective sexual arousal? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(5), 941-952.
Bloemers, J., van Rooij, K., Poels, S., Goldstein, I., Everaerd, E., Koppeschaar, . . . Tuiten, A. [Chivers, M. L.] (2013). Toward personalized sexual medicine (part 1): Integrating the “Dual Control Model” into differential drug treatments for HSDD and FSAD. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(3), 791-809.
Poels, S., Bloemers, J., van Rooij, K., Goldstein, I., Gerritsen, J., van Ham, D . . . Tuiten, A. (2013). [Chivers, M. L.] Toward personalized sexual medicine (part 2): Testosterone combined with a PDE5 inhibitor increases sexual satisfaction in women with HSDD and FSAD, and a low sensitive system for sexual cues. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(3), 810-823.
van Rooij, K., Poels, S., Bloemers, J., Goldstein, I., Gerritsen, J., van Ham, D., van Mameren, F., Chivers, M. L., Everaerd, E., Koppeschaar, H., Oliver, B., & Tuiten, A. (2013). Toward personalized sexual medicine (Part 3): Testosterone combined with a serotonin1A receptor agonist increases sexual satisfaction in women with HSDD and FSAD, and dysfunctional activation of sexual inhibitory mechanisms. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(3), 824-837.
Chivers, M. L., Pittini, R., Grigoriadis, S., Villegas, L., Ross, L. E. (2011). The relationship between sexual function and depressive symptomatology in postpartum women: A pilot study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(3), 792-799.
Salonia, A., Giraldi, A., Chivers, M. L., Georgiadis, J. R., Levin, R., Maravilla, K. R., & McCarthy, M. M. (2010). Physiology of women’s sexual function: Basic knowledge and new findings. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(8), 2637-2660.
Chivers, M. L., & Rosen. R. (2010). PDE-5 Inhibitors and female sexual response: Faulty protocols or paradigms? The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(2pt2), 858-872.
Leiblum, S. R., & Chivers, M. L. (2007). Normal and persistent genital arousal in women: New perspectives. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 33(4), 1-17.
Gynecological Cancer & Sexual Functioning
Classen, C., Drozd, A., Brotto, L. A., Barbera, L. A., Carter, J., Chivers, M. L., . . . Ferguson, S. E. (2015). Protocol of a randomized controlled trial of an online support group for sexual distress due to gynecologic cancer. Journal of Clinical Trials, 5(4), 234-240.
Classen, C. C., Chivers, M. L., Urowitz, S., Barbera, L., Wiljer, D., O’Rinn, S., & Ferguson, S. E. (2012). Psychosexual distress in women with gynecologic cancer: A pilot test of an online support group. Psycho-Oncology, 22(4), 930–935.
Wiljer, D., Urowitz, S., Barbera, L., Chivers, M. L., Quartey, N., Ferguson, S. E., . . . Classen, C. (2011). A qualitative study of an internet-based support group for women with sexual distress due to gynecologic cancer. Journal of Cancer Education, 26(3), 451–458.
Sexual Attractions and Sexual & Gender Identities
Dawson, S. J., Huberman, J., Bouchard, K., McInnis, M., Pukall, C. F., & Chivers, M. L. (2019). Effects of individual difference variables, gender, and exclusivity of sexual attraction on volunteer bias in sexuality research. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 2403-2417.
Tassone, D., Dawson, S., & Chivers, M. L. (2019). The impact of homonegativity on gynephilic men's visual attention toward non-preferred sexual targets. Personality and Individual Differences, 149, 261-272.
Dawson, S., Fretz, K. M., & Chivers, M. L. (2017). Visual attention patterns of women with androphilic and gynephilic sexual attractions: An initial study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(1), 141-153.
Bouchard, K., Timmers, A.D., & Chivers, M. L. (2016). Gender-specificity of genital response and self-reported sexual arousal in women endorsing facets of bisexuality. Journal of Bisexuality, 15(2), 180-203.
Timmers, A. D., Bouchard, K., & Chivers, M. L. (2015). Effects of gender and sexual activity cues on the sexual responses of women with multidimensionally defined bisexuality. Journal of Bisexuality, 15(2), 154-179.
Rieger, G., Savin-Williams, R., Chivers, M. L., & Bailey, J. M. (2015). Sexual arousal and masculinity-femininity of women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111(2), 265-283.
Chivers, M. L., Seto, M. C., & Blanchard, R. (2007). Gender and sexual orientation differences in sexual response to the sexual activities versus the gender of actors in sexual films. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 93(6), 1108-1121.
Lawrence, A., Latty, E., Chivers, M. L., & Bailey, J. M. (2005). Measurement of sexual arousal in postoperative male-to-female transsexuals using vaginal photoplethysmorgraphy. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 34(2), 135-145.
Rieger, G., Chivers, M. L., & Bailey, J. M. (2005). Sexual arousal patterns of bisexual men. Psychological Science, 16(8), 579-584.
Mustanski, B. S., Chivers, M. L., & Bailey, J. M. (2002). A critical review of recent biological research on human sexual orientation. Annual Review of Sex Research, 13(1), 89-140.
Chivers, M. L., Bailey, J. M. (2000). Sexual orientation of female-to-male transsexuals: A comparison of homosexual and nonhomosexual types. Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 29(3), 259-278.
Chivers, M. L., & Blanchard, R. (1996). Prostitution advertisements suggest association of transvestism and masochism. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 22(2), 97-102.
Sexual Psychophysiology Methods
Sawatsky, M. L., Suschinsky, K. D., Lavrinsek, S., Chivers, M. L., & Lalumière, M. L. (2021). Can the vaginal photoplethysmograph and its associated methodology be used to assess anal vasocongestion in men and women? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 3865-3888.
Huberman, J. S., McInnis, M., Dawson, S. J., Bouchard, K. S., Pukall, C. F., & Chivers, M. L. (2019). Exploring comfort levels and the role of compensation in sexual psychophysiology study participation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 2389-2402.
Dawson, S. J., Huberman, J., Bouchard, K., McInnis, M., Pukall, C. F., & Chivers, M. L. (2019). Effects of individual difference variables, gender, and exclusivity of sexual attraction on volunteer bias in sexuality research. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 2403-2417.
Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (2018). The effect of static versus dynamic stimuli on visual processing of sexual cues in androphilic women and gynephilic men. Royal Society Open Science, 5(6), 172286.
Huberman, J. S., Dawson, S. J., & Chivers, M. L. (2017). Examining the time course of sexual response in women and men with concurrent plethysmography and thermography. Biological Psychology, 129, 359-369.
Bouchard, K. L., Chivers, M. L., & Pukall, C. F. (2017). Effects of genital response measurement device and stimulus characteristics on sexual concordance in women. Journal of Sex Research, 54(9), 1197-1208.
Suschinsky, K. D., Shelley, A. D., Gerritsen, J., Tuiten, A., & Chivers, M. L. (2016). The clitoral photoplethysmograph: A pilot study examining discriminant and convergent validity. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12(12), 2324-2338.
Huberman, J. S., Suschinsky, K. D., Lalumière, M. L., & Chivers, M. L. (2013). Relationship between impression management and three measures of women’s self-reported sexual arousal. [Special Issue: Sexuality research in Canada: Diversity in action]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 45(3), 259-273.
Sexual Concordance
Maunder, L., Micanovic, N., Huberman, J., & Chivers, M. L. (in press). Orgasm consistency and its relationship to women’s self-reported and genital sexual response. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality.
Suschinsky, K., Maunder, L., Fisher, T., Hollenstein, T., & Chivers, M. L. (2020). Use of the bogus pipeline increases sexual concordance in women but not men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 1517–1532.
Suschinsky, K. D., Huberman, J. S., Maunder, L., Brotto, L. A., Hollenstein, T., & Chivers, M. L. (2019). The relationship between sexual functioning and sexual concordance in women. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 45(3), 230–246.
Suschinsky, K. D., Chivers, M. L., & Lalumière, M. L. (2018). The relationship between sexual concordance and orgasm consistency in women. Journal of Sex Research, 55(6), 704–718.
Velten, J., Chivers, M. L., & Brotto, L. A. (2018). Does repeated testing impact concordance between genital and self-reported sexual arousal in women? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 651–660.
Timmers, A. T., Dawson, S., & Chivers, M. L. (2018). Gynephilic men’s self-reported and genital responses to relationship context cues. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 617–625.
Suschinsky, K. D., Dawson, S., & Chivers, M. L. (2017). Assessing the relationship between sexual concordance, sexual attractions, and sexual identity in women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 179–192.
Brotto L. A., Chivers, M. L., & Millman, R., Albert, A. (2016). Mindfulness-based sex therapy improves genital-subjective arousal concordance in women with sexual desire/arousal difficulties. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45, 1907-1921.
Bossio, J. A., Spape, J., Lykins, A. D., & Chivers, M. L. (2014). Observational stance as a predictor of subjective and genital sexual arousal in men and women. Journal of Sex Research, 51(3), 303-315.
Chivers, M. L., & Timmers, A. D. (2012). Effects of gender and relationship context in audio narratives on genital and subjective sexual response in heterosexual women and men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41, 185–197.
Chivers, M. L., Seto, M. C., Lalumière, M. L, Laan, E., & Grimbos, T. (2010). Agreement of genital and subjective measures of sexual arousal in men and women: A meta-analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(1), 5-56.
Seto, M. C., Curry, S., Dawson, S. D., Bradford, J., & Chivers, M. L. (2021). Concordance of paraphilic interests and behaviours. Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 58(4), 424-437.
Chivers, M. L., Roy, C., & Grimbos, T., Cantor, J. M., Seto, M. C. (2014). Specificity of sexual arousal for sexual activities in men and women with conventional and masochistic sexual interests. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(5), 931-940.
Seto, M. C., Lalumière, M. L., Harris, G. T., & Chivers, M. L. (2012). The sexual responses of sexual sadists. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121, 739–753.
Chivers, M. L. (2017). Response to commentaries. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(5), 1213-122.
Chivers, M.L., & Brotto, L. B. (2017). Controversies in women’s sexual arousal and desire. European Psychologist, 22(1), 5-26.
Chivers, M.L. (2017). The specificity of women’s sexual response and its relationship with sexual orientations: A review and ten hypotheses. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(5), 1161-1179.
Chivers, M. L. (2010). A brief update on the specificity of sexual arousal. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 25(4), 407-414.
Chivers, M. L., Seto, M. C., Lalumière, M. L, Laan, E., & Grimbos, T. (2010). Agreement of genital and subjective measures of sexual arousal in men and women: A meta-analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(1), 5-56.
Chivers, M. L. (2005). Leading comment: A brief review and discussion of sex differences in the specificity of sexual arousal. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 4, 377-390.
Mustanski, B. S., Chivers, M. L., & Bailey, J. M. (2002). A review and critique of the evidence for a biological basis of human sexual orientation. Annual Review of Sex Research, 13(1), 89-140.